Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lies, Lies and More Lies - "News" Nets Pretend Not To See

National Media are so FULL of CRAP with this  “Both Sides are Playing Dirty Politics” WHEN only ONE, Willard Romney and the GOP, have been DISRESPECTFUL of PRESIDENT Obama since BEFORE he was ELECTED PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES.

They (Rep. Joe Wilson) interrupted PRESIDENT Obama’s State of the Union Address by calling out, “You LIE” during the speech, THEN said that he was a “CLOSET MUSLIM,” BORN in a FOREIGN COUNTRY, DEMANDED his BIRTH Certificate, associated with TERRORISTS, and would NOT, for the FIRST time in USA history, ALLOW  the President of the United States to raise the Debt Ceiling. This has ALWAYS been AUTOMATIC  for ALL Presidents, regardless of Party affiliation, UNLESS, it seems, he happens to be the first  BLACK USA President.

MOST of the TV "NEWS" networks CONTINUE to IGNORE Willard's LIES and NEVER raise the issue of his BLATANT dishonesty, plus they seem SMITTEN by Noodler-Boy (Paul Ryan), as if they all are in the throes of 8th grade schoolboy crushes. Once AGAIN, just how in the HELL, is PRESIDENT Obama to blame for the ECONOMY? The GOP BROKE it and REFUSED to do ANYTHING to help fix IT.

ALL local media currently specializes in President Obama bashing, as if their teleprompters are all plugged directly into an RNC media server, and all the HYPOCRITICAL "CHRISTIANS" roaming around spreading LIES about PRESIDENT Obama. I NEVER knew how IMPORTANT LYING must be to the Christian Church. It has to be like their number ONE tenet, which MUST precede EVERYTHING else. Back in the old days when my grandma told me about Jesus and all, LYING was considered a BAD thing. Oh well, times have apparently changed for Christians." 

Official portrait of Vice President of the Uni...
Official portrait of Vice President of the United States . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Networks, such as CNN are jumping all over VP Joe Biden for some remarks HE made, YET Willard Romney and Noodler-Boy (Paul Ryan), FLAT-OUT called PRESIDENT Obama a WELFARE King, a THIEF, a LIAR, used classic RACIST stereotypical adjectives similar to those used by Ronald Reagan with his bogus WELFARE-QUEEN, who bought Rib-Eye steaks, crack-cocaine, beer, wine, and champagne with FOOD-STAMPS or those used by Bush Sr. in his Willie Horton ads.

Romney, in his ads, and in interviews, makes claims such as  “Obama does NOT work,” “Obama is going to send out welfare checks to people and not require them to work or seek employment” “Obama does not UNDERSTAND foreign policy,” “Obama STOLE $700 Billion from Medicare and SPENT it on HIS Obamacare,”and On and ON.

Romney and Noodler-Boy are ALLOWED, by EVERY major news network to spin LIE, after LIE, after LIE, and the networks can just let the LIES go unchallenged. INSTEAD of CHALLENGING these BLATANT LIES from Willard Romney, they NOW go on the attack after VP Biden. It seems to ME that the Romney campaign is writing the narrative for CNN and others, such as Morning Joke, to go by.

NOW, Willard Romney with his incessant, RACIALLY motivated, HATE-fueled LIES of “Obama just wants to hand out WELFARE checks to folks who won’t work,” or “He’s the Food-Stamp President,” or “Obama STOLE $700 Billion from Medicare  to put into Obamacare,” continues the GOP tradition.

GOP has BEEN consistently, since Nixon’s Southern Strategy of 1968 and Reagan’s campaign kickoff speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, the Party for race-baiting, racial slurs, racist policies, and continues this DISRESPECTFUL tone and conduct to this very day. YET, the national news media is too limp, too impotent, too lazy, and  too PAID-FOR, to REPORT the FACTS.

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